Browse Collections (6 total)
DocoPhoto Collection
Photos of modern buildings around Hawaii from Docomomo Hawaii's "DocoPhoto" photo day events. At these events Docomomo Hawaii invites the public to…
Modernism Context Study Research Photos
A collection of photos from the research team that prepared the 2013 Modernism Context Study. A copy of this report is in this archive.
Contributors: Fung Associates, Inc.
Books and Reports Archive
Important Resources for Hawaii Modernism
A collection of texts on the subject of modern architecture made available by Docomomo US Hawaii
Important Resources for Hawaii Modernism
Historic American Building Survey - Modernism in Hawaii
A collection of photos taken as part of the Historic American Buildings Survey program. These are HABS standard high quality black and white photos.…
Mike Gushard Photograph Collection
Collection of photos, usually taken casually with an iPhone, Android Phone or Sony NEX5 by SHPD architectural historian Mike Gushard. They represent…
Contributors: Mike Gushard